Knowing what to do

I know you don’t know what to do. But the truth is, you are made of stars. You are the love you are looking for and your heart is your home.
But I really get that you just get lost sometimes.
That you are confused with the ego mind telling you what she thinks you ‘should’ be doing? You sit in your job, but you really want to quit.
Your house is being renovated, and you just wish things were simpler sometimes.
That it wasn’t so messy and you didn’t have to make all these decisions about things that matter and don’t matter and decisions about dreams that you had that you are realizing but maybe not really what you need or wanted deep down inside, like the perfect home you are making, and yet, you are not satisfied.
Searching for community

I know you are searching for community, for your tribe and that you know they are there but you sometimes, just feel unlovable.
It is a fear and anxiety that you are trying to release in your world. You are so done playing small and you just need a reminder that you are made of stars.
Surrendering, I know, is so hard.
And you wish you had a Mom that would just help you and tell you what to do, even though you don’t really want that and would probably fight her if she was here to tell you what to do.
But it’s just that you wish someone would rescue you sometimes, that you would feel safe to explore what you want and be okay with the thoughts you have in your head about the things you really want to do but are afraid to say.
Not playing small

You are so done with playing small. But you just don’t know what to do and you crave guidance because you feel alone with your thoughts and desires.
You want to change but you are so scared. Its just that you want to be happier in all places.
You are out of balance. You work, you take care of your home, but where are your friends, that tribe you once had, your fun, your balance, your being that is so wanting to create something beautiful?
You are looking, seeking, something is wrong, but you don’t know why?
You have forgotten that you are made of stars.
You have forgotten that your heart is your home.
You have forgotten that you are all you need and that you can remember with just a little sprinkle of golden dust to show you the way.
You have forgotten the child in you that knows she is all powerful still exists. You are searching for her. Her haunting knowing of magic. That with one swift swipe of the wand, magic can happen, with just a thought or a desire or an imagination.
You have lost her. And you don’t know how to find her again. You once had her, but she’s gone.
I hear you that you want to have more fun. You want to feel connected. You want to know you belong somewhere.
And feel important. Like you matter. And that the choices you make are okay. I know Wild Woman. I know.
You have forgotten that you are held by the Earth and carried in the wind.
You are made of stars, dear soul.
Looking for your roots

I know you are looking for your roots, but they are not the kind of roots you once knew.
You are looking to find roots that move you, transform you, create a fire within you.
You are missing the fire you held within when you were a child. You are missing the wisdom you once knew, the safety you once felt.
Earth my body
Water my blood
Air my breath
Fire my spirit
I know you need to find these places again. You need to find the link between the worlds. The one you know is there but can not find.
You need to remember you are the magic wand of your life.
Transforming is your wish, but you don’t know how. But that is the plight of the human. It is a path I can help you find….
The woman in you is yearning to get out. To be free. I know you wise woman.
I know you wild woman. I know you bleed. Know you feel everything… and yet you feel dead inside. You are bored.
And you want to wake up…. You want to find the medicine that will soothe the restless beast inside you. You seek the remedy that lives in the star dust.
But how do you find it?
I know Wild Woman. I know.
Seeking a medicine woman for your soul

You’re seeking a medicine woman, a medicine woman for your soul with the nourishment that you may have never had. The medicine that will help you rise into all the things you want to do but are so afraid to want. So afraid to take action on. You are scared to.
So you keep doing your life the way you know, or think you know, will keep you okay. You have forgotten that you are okay and are still okay…because you feel lousy in side, in your belly.
That place that knows how to lead you. She’s gotten lost. There is a longing that is unmet. You don’t understand your don’ts and your doubts. And they’re getting too loud. You can’t hear yourself anymore. You don’t know where you really are.
Let me walk with you Wild Woman. Let me offer you prayers. Let me bring you to the sacred within you, that you are so seeking and wanting. Let me show you that the way of your ancestors. You have forgotten your lineage. But it’s not far away my friend. It is closer than you think. Let me show you how to hear the call.
When your feet touch the ground

I’ve seen you holding on to something. Something so familiar.
My dear friend, I’ll be there for you when your feet touch the ground. I’ll make a flame for you to keep your spirit clean.
I’ll call on the angels.
I’ll be there for you when you can’t find your self. I will help you makes the decisions you want to make and find the wisdom that lives deep inside your soul.
Don’t worry Wild Woman.
Don’t worry.
Worry is just a prayer that is not yet answered.
Take my hand.
Walk with me.
With love ~Elizabeth Xoxo …
Elizabeth you are grace personified. I absolutely adore and appreciate you. You’re a one kind soul. Thank you.
Wild Woman PaulineWild Woman® Mystery Cards are a wonder full ride of love. They are a best friend and wise companion, carrying us on our journey while holding our precious hands. A beacon of light in our beautifull and mysterious world, Elizabeth treasures the heart and soul of every Succulent Wild Woman.
~ SARK, best-selling author & artist
SARKExactly on point, as usual, Elizabeth. your insight have been a gift over the months! Thank you, my dear.
Wild Woman Kaye

Hi Wild Woman,
I’m so glad you are here.
I’m Elizabeth Macleod, the author and illustrator of the Wild Woman Mystery cards and I’m on a mission to empower you to live a wild and free life that is tailored just to you so we can all live in a better world.
I’ve spent my whole life, breaking the rules of my family and society, to create a powerful magical life, living the way I dreamed it as a 12 year old.
Her dream was to do something great that no one had done before and to live by the sea. And now, here I am, doing that. She was so wise beyond her years.
And I’ve seen others want to live their best lives too, but having trouble making the leap or knowing how.

I’ve seen women living the lives they feel they should, caring for others at the expense of themselves and getting sick or unhappy in the process.
And I’ve seen doors that open and the opportunities that are created when the women learn to use their already there but need to be reminded tools that live inside them selves to bring out the magic in their lives.
It is downright inspiring to watch this unfold.
I wrote the Wild Woman Mystery Cards in the hardest time of my life, when my mother became ill and I was her care taker for 3 tumultuous years until her death, followed by the falling apart of our family in the estate settling.
Those cards got me through and now I hear they are getting you through too, and even making businesses with people, which is amazing.

With that, I make a whole series of products to help you elevate your self into the kind of life you want to live that can support you and help you in ritual and ceremony but also bring magic into your every day life.
I passionately believe that everyone can break out of the box that makes them feel caged and and lonely or bored to create a life to live by their own rules and their own definitions of ‘happy’.
The way it’s “suppose to be” his not really real. Or it doesn’t need to be. You’re in control and you are the one that creates your freedom.
I’m here to help you find that freedom and unlock the potential within your wild self.
I create a range of products and workshops, retreats and just doing my first online course designed to empower you to live a wild and free live on your own terms, that you can truly be happy and call it your own, created life!

I am always grateful for your championing and unconditional love … that never ends. Bless you!
Wild Woman RaeYou have the energy that gets people to believe that anything is possible.
Wild WomanI promise I won’t shut down. I love the group of energy I have around me, it makes me feel whole. But some days, I feel a struggle and a bit lost. Bless you Elizabeth, for everything you do. Makes me feel complete in many ways
Wild Woman AmandaAbout Wild Woman Enchanted
Wild Woman Enchanted was founded by Wild Woman Elizabeth MacLeod – author and illustrator of the Wild Woman Mystery Cards – An enchanting journey to your true self.
A Wild Woman Entrepreneur and liver of life her own way, Elizabeth works with passionate Wild Women, bringing clarity and spiritual vision and tools life transitioning Wild Woman she works with and every project that she works on.
Elizabeth runs game-changing courses and retreats both online and on land. She breaths wisdom and life changing insights into any personal work she does with whoever presents themselves.
The Wild Woman Mystery Cards were self published and have sold 10,000 copies to date and has remained a number one seller of oracle and tarot cards in stores across Canada.
Her new book is being written now and will be coming out soon about the wisdom of the wild woman and how to take the ordinary and have it become extraordinary magic the Wild Woman Way. You will know how connected you are once you read this one too!
I love how facebook is like a mini inspirational place to lift and separate your self from the mundane.
You’ll find me sharing Wild Woman Wisdom and memes there as well as weekly Self Care Friday Card Readings, which we do as a community.
Some Wild Women have told me that they have made it their Friday go to, and others have made it part of their spiritual practice and many have said it brings guidance and answers to their life in so many accurate and truthful ways….
I adore instagram and am new to it. You’ll find me sharing stories and posts of #WildWomanWisdom and I love seeing shots of you using the cards and other Wild Woman products from the online store on the hashtags
#WildWomanMysteryCards #StayWild #HowToLiveAWIldLife
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Awaken Through 1000 Eyes
A Masterclass in Healing
for the Wild Woman using Oracle Cards
and other Magical Totems
If you had a magic wand tap you on the head and grant your deepest wish, who would you want to be?
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